Welcome to our Facilities page for Trumansburg Central School District. The Board of Education and Administration encourage the use of our facilities by the community, staff, students and visitors alike. The following guidelines, in conjunction with our Facilities Use Policy, pertain to the use of our facilities and must be followed at all times.
School groups and programs are given priority usage of all District facilities. Building Principals reserve the right to cancel any permits for school use should a conflict with school groups or programs develop.
Hours of Operations: In general, the buildings are open 7am-11:00pm M-F, and 8am-3:00pm Saturday and Sunday. When the District has a scheduled day off, hours will be 7am-3:00pm. On District holidays, the buildings will be closed for community use. Occasionally, spaces are requested outside of normally operated hours. Additional fees may be incurred to cover custodial coverage outside of normally operated hours.
The facility use request will not be approved until the appropriate documentation is provided including, but not limited to a Certificate of Liability Insurance and Department of Health Inspection certificates if you plan to serve food. All non-school groups must furnish a Certificate of Insurance listing the Trumansburg Central School District as "Additional Insured." Please refer to the Terms and Conditions during the reservation process for more information.
Users will be billed after the event in accordance with the schedule of usage fees or rental charges. In addition to the facility rental fees, there may be fees associated with the rental such as custodial, cafeteria, and light/sound technician services, etc. All checks should be made payable to the Trumansburg Central School District and sent directly to the District Office.
Organizations and groups using school facilities must designate one adult member of their group to be in charge of and responsible for the program or activity at the time application for use of the facilities is made. That person shall provide adequate supervision of the group throughout the duration of the activity.
The Trumansburg Central School District reserves the right to request an organization to arrange for security protection, activity personnel and/or traffic supervision. Such requests will be at the discretion of Administration and at the expense of the renter.
Smoking, use of tobacco products, illegal drugs, and alcohol are prohibited on all school property (indoor or outdoor). If this provision is violated, the renting organization may be denied the privilege of any future district facility rental.
Please review Trumansburg School Districts Facility Use Policy located at the bottom of this page for additional information.
The following series of videos will walk you through how to create accounts, reserve spaces and use ML Schedules software. In the upper left hand of the video, you can select from a different "How To Video" depending on what your need is. If you run into issues, you can always go to "User Resources" at the top of the ML Schedules page, or contact the IT Service Desk (Service Desk)