Food Services
School Meals 2024-25

Welcome to Trumansburg Central School's Food Service Department!
We strive for a nutritious and healthy food program, using fresh and local products. Once again, this year all students at TCSD will receive one free breakfast and a free lunch every day. Students may purchase additional items if they have money on their account.
We offer a variety of Entree options each day. Besides our Special Entree on our menu, we offer freshly made sandwiches, Parfaits, Hummus Platters, a full salad bar, fresh fruit, homemade cold salads, and seasonal side vegetables.
Due to technical difficulties our interactive menu is not working. We hope to have this resolved as quickly as possible.
Thank you,
TSCD Food Service Department

Here is an update for families and staff on some of the changes that are happening this year in our School Food program: This year we are returning to our "classic" model of food service, where students go through the lunch line and choose their meals. Food service staff will be serving meal options to students to enhance safety. We will serve lots of local produce this fall - cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, peaches, plums, and corn on the cob. As the weather cools off, we will have squash, potatoes, cabbage from local sources, and of course, apples! There are still kinks in the food supply chain, and we expect there to be last-minute menu changes, so we appreciate your understanding as we navigate this issue.
Breakfast comes with white milk and fruit or juice.
All lunches come with vegetables, fruit, and optional milk.
We hope to continue our Farm to School program and source as many foods locally as we can.
Have you been affected by COVID-19 and laid off, and/or had financial change? Apply for SNAP Benefits for your family or for Free and Reduced School Meals using the buttons below.
School Meal Prices
Breakfast | |
Pre K-4 | $.00 |
Lunch | |
Pre K-4 | $.00 |
School Meals Overview
Breakfast and Lunch are served daily in all three buildings and are available to all students free of charge thanks to the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
Families wishing to provide money for additional ala carte lunch purchases may do so using or by sending a check made payable to Trumansburg School Lunch Fund. If sending payment with elementary children, be sure your child’s name and grade level are on the envelope. Notes to the office or teacher should be separate from the lunch payment envelope.
A new free/reduced application needs to be done each school year. We will accept new free/reduced applications at any time during the school year. If you have any questions, call Rosemary Beardsley at (607)387-7551 ext. 4453
If your child has food allergies that you need the School Nutrition Dept. to know about and make diet adjustments for, please forward a physician's statement to School Nutrition Department. The medical statement must include:
An identification of the medical/dietary condition that restricts the child's diet
The food or foods to be omitted from the child's diet
The food or choice of foods to be substituted.
Student Account Information
The School Nutrition Department has a computerized cash register system.
Each student has a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
This is a pre-payment account. To keep an account current, make regular deposits.
If you pay by check, make payable to Trumansburg Food Service and write the student's name & PIN in the memo section.
If you pay with cash, place cash in a sealed envelope with the student’s full name and grade level marked on the front of the envelope.
Students who qualify for free/reduced-price meals will be coded so the meal will be charged to the account for each transaction. This system protects student privacy.
The Auto Message Phone Service will call you on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday if your child(s) account is - $ .01 to - $ 10.00.
Call the building cashier to check a balance at any time. Phone (607) 387- 7551 x4453 or email Rose Beardsley.
Passed at the Local Legislature in Tompkins County (01/10/23):
Resolution Passes Advocating for Universal Access to Free Meals for Students In Grades K-12
A resolution penned by Legislator Randy Brown (R-Newfield) calling upon the state Legislature to adopt and the Governor to sign legislation to address student hunger through guaranteeing universal access to free meals for students in grades K-12 passed as part of the unanimously approved consent agenda.
The resolution cites the success of the federal program implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic that gave schools nationwide a waiver to provide free lunch for all students and that the program expired in June 2022 – meaning that now caregivers must apply and qualify for free or reduced student meals. The states of Massachusetts, Nevada, Vermont, California, and Maine have adopted legislation to further access to free meals for students.
The resolution also details the existing USDA Community Eligibility Provision, which allows any schools or districts with 40% or more children eligible for free meals to offer the meals and receive a reimbursement. According to available Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) data for Tompkins County School Districts, TST BOCES, Newfield Central School District, Enfield Elementary School, Beverly J. Martin Elementary School, and Dryden Central School District are currently qualified for a CEP program, all other school districts in Tompkins County have between 30% and 40% of students that qualify for assistance.
If the state were to pass such legislation, over 2,000 schools and 800,000 students would be impacted in New York, with universal access to free meals.
Director of School Nutrition |
Rose Beardsley Elementary School Middle School High School |

Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
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