Chain of Communication
Teacher/Coach -> Principal -> Superintendent -> Board of Education
Staff Directory
Cyber security for school districts has become a larger concern as cyber-attacks on school districts have increased across the country. To help protect TCSD’s network environment, we have removed the majority of email addresses and the staff directory from our website.
Parents/Guardians have access to educator contact information through SchoolTool Parent Portal using the Schedule Tab. The directions below show you how to contact your child's teacher.
If you don't think you have a School Tool Parent Portal account or have questions about the Parent Portal, read the Parent Portal Page to learn more.
Log in to TCSD Parent Portal with the button below
Once you are logged into School Tool follow the two steps below.
Navigate to see your student's courses.

Email a teacher by clicking on the envelope icon by the teacher’s name.
You may also email all of your student’s teachers together by clicking on the icon next to the word “Teacher” in the header (as shown below)