Board Policies

Directions for Policies

Trumansburg Central School District - Board of Education Policy Manual

The following policies are currently under review by the Trumansburg Central School District Board of Education. The Board of Education welcomes community feedback; please email comments to District Clerk Tina Lincoln at

Next Policy Committee Meeting scheduled for February 10, 2025.

Please be advised that the District's Policy Manual developed with Erie 1 BOCES Policy Services is not to be interpreted as the rendering of legal advice. Application of Board policies to specific situations may necessitate consultation with the School Administrators/School Attorney to address the particular circumstances.


This Manual contains two (2) types of documents:


The Trumansburg Central School District is required to comply with the U.S. Constitution; federal statutes (e.g., requiring the District to provide appropriate services for students with special needs) and regulations issued to implement them; and decisions of the federal courts interpreting any of these sources of federal law. It is also required to comply with the NY Constitution; NY statutes (both general law and laws specifically related to education); regulations of the State Department of Education (SED) and decisions of the Commissioner of Education; and decisions of the NY courts interpreting any of these sources of state law.

The District must comply with SCHOOL LAW, and neither the Board of Education nor District officials have authority to act otherwise.

This Manual summarizes many important sections of School Law, but does not include every legal requirement that is relevant to District operations.


In areas where federal and NY law give the District discretion, the Board of Education may adopt POLICY that defines objectives to be accomplished by the District and/or states how the Board, school officials and other persons in the District will act. Policy must be formally adopted by the Board at an open (public) meeting, and can be changed by a future Board in the same manner. So long as Policy is in effect, it must be followed by District employees and others who may come within its scope.

In a limited number of areas (e.g., non-discrimination), SCHOOL LAW both imposes specific requirements on the District and also requires that the District adopt POLICY that reiterates those requirements and confirms the District's compliance with them. In such cases, the policy is really just restating the law, and the Board does not have discretion about the content of the policy.

This Manual contains all District Policy, with the date it was adopted by the Board of Education. The District tries to make sure that it is updated promptly, but the official source for current District Policy is the approved minutes of School Board meetings.

If any part of the Manual is made invalid by legislative, administrative or judicial act, all of the other parts will remain in full effect. 

Mission Statement

The MISSION of the Trumansburg School District: Students are the center of all we do at Trumansburg CSD. We inspire learners to grow in knowledge and skill, character, empathy, critical thinking, and leadership. We embrace and enhance each child's unique abilities while encouraging learners in their pursuit of high academic achievement. Our learning environment will foster joy, meaningful relationships and support the overall wellness of the school community. We will be leaders in continuous innovation and equitable opportunities for all.

VISION: Leaders in Excellence, Equity, Integrity and Innovation.

Philosophy Statement

 In preparing individuals to develop their fullest potential for living in the society of today and tomorrow, the Board of Education and the staff of the School District: 

I.       Recognize their responsibility to help meet the physical, intellectual and emotional needs of children; particularly the needs to inquire, learn, think, and create; to establish aesthetic, moral and ethical values; and to relate satisfactorily to others in social situations involving family, work, government and recreation.

II.     Accept primary responsibility for giving students a mastery of the basic skills of learning, thinking and problem-solving; for teaching them to use the various media of self-expression; for instilling in them a knowledge of the social and natural sciences; for acquainting them with the richness of our heritage; and for stimulating them to productive work in the various areas of human endeavor. 

III.    Acknowledge the importance of their supplemental role to the home and other social agencies in developing habits and attitudes which make for effective personal living, the maintenance of optimum physical and mental health, and the establishment of sound moral, ethical, and aesthetic values.

Realizing that education, as here defined, is a lifelong process, the School System seeks to orient its graduates toward various types of post-secondary education and further formal training and study of many types; and to provide educational opportunities particularly suited to the needs of adults, both as individuals and as citizens in a democracy. 

Goals For The Education Of Students

The overall education of the students is a product of many groups, individuals, and social institutions as well as the mass media. Teachers, school administrators, the Board of Education, faith communities, community organizations and, perhaps most importantly, the parents influence the child's education. The school has many responsibilities to the community. It must educate its students to the fullest extent possible, provide them with marketable skills, intellectual stimulation, and knowledge of our democratic system. The school will attempt to recognize and diagnose special talents or learning weaknesses so that it can provide for individual differences.  

The curriculum, instructional program, and special services of the School District should be so planned and implemented in relation to the needs, interests, and talents of the students served as to encourage all to continue through to graduation. The program should provide opportunities for future education, employment, and avocations. Further the program should develop the social, intellectual, and moral responsibility of each student. Equally important is the need to develop physical fitness, good sportsmanship, aesthetic appreciation, and leadership potential.

The program should attempt to develop in each student the ability to think critically, to express themself clearly in both oral and written communication, and to exercise their judgment as a responsible citizen. It should develop in students an appreciation for the diversity in our society. Student extra-curricular activities consistent with the District's educational goals will be encouraged.

The administration and teaching staff must foster a climate of mutual respect based on a common concern for the students' health, safety, academic abilities, and social welfare. In most curricular areas, classroom instruction should place major emphasis on active student involvement in such activities as problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, investigate procedures, and exchanging of ideas. The School District shall regularly evaluate programs and the extent to which students and staff are achieving the goals set forth. The curriculum and teaching methods will be tailored to reflect significant changes in student achievement, attitudes, and behavior.