Charles O. Dickerson High School

100 Whig Street Trumansburg, NY 14886 Phone: (607) 387-7551 ext. 3431

Upcoming Events

3/26: Winter Sports Awards at 7:00pm in HS Auditorium

3/28: MP4 Report Cards walked home

4/14-4/18: Spring Break

5/17: Prom @ Silver Queen Farm

June 26th : Graduation, 6:30pm at TCSD

Slider is playing
Tburg volleyball girls

These memories of Gold and Blue, Will linger with us through the years The way we gathered in the hallways, The talk, the laughter, and the cheers, The fun, the sports, and all the learning Will be cherished by us as the best, And ever after we will praise thee Our own dear T.C.S.



H.S. Principal

Hilary Ewing x3434

Main Office Amy Griffen x3431
Attendance Jody McCoy-Woods x3203
Dean of Students Michael Flood x3492
Student Services Barbara Schmitt-Miller x3454
Athletic Manager Angela McLennan x3426
Health Office Katy Iacovelli x3445