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How is the decision made to close/delay school?

It's that time of year again when we talk about snow and frigid temperatures. The decision to close school due to weather is not taken lightly. The process begins at 4:30 a.m.

Road conditions, visibility, and wind chill are all factors taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to close school. Our first priority is determining whether we can transport students safely to and from school. Our second consideration is wind chill.

When the wind chill drops to 20 - 25 degrees below zero or more, we will delay or close schools.  When the wind chill is 10 to 20 degrees below zero, the decision is discretionary, depending on conditions.

Cold Weather Bus Procedures

To protect students in severely cold weather (wind chill of zero or below), the TCSD Transportation Department will follow the cold weather advisory bus procedures outlined below:

  • Bus drivers will give students extra time to get to the bus. Students who can see the bus stop from their house can stay inside until they see the bus approaching.

  • Drivers must make all stops even if students who are usually waiting at the road are not out.