Russell I. Doig Middle School

100 Whig Street, Trumansburg, NY 14886

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Middle School Yearbook-Click here to order Yearbook Order Center

Drama Club: Trumansburg Middle School Drama Club will be putting on a performance of Alice in Wonderland. For more information, visit the Tburg MS Drama Club page.

Middle School Newsletter

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What's coming up?

2/11: 5th Grade Band Twinkle Celebration - 7 p.m. in the Middle School gym

2/13: Glow Show at the Elementary School 5:30-7:30

2/17-2/21: Winter Break-District Closed

3/7: Staff Slam HS Gymnasium 6pm (Doors open at 5pm)

Check out what we've been up to this year!

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Trumansburg Middle School  Cross Country

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